June 02, 2011

Can you recommend some Foundations?

Hey guys! ^_^ 
I was looking for a foundation with medium/full coverage but doesnt look cakey. I would prefer it to be a drugstore foundation. 
And not a powder one or BB cream, I have those... Dx
If you have any foundations you can recommend (any coverage or form) please comment below. ^_^ Thanks guys!
xoxo, mochi.dinosaur


  1. I recommend the CoverGirl NatureLuxe Foundation. Its the new one they recently released. The coverage is medium and it is not cakey at all.

  2. Thanks I'll be sure to check that one out. :D
    But why are you anon? D:

  3. rimmel lasting finish is pretty good! semi matte/dewy finish, and its at least med coverage =)

  4. @Eileen Thanks ^_^ I'll take a look at that one :3
