oh,my,goshhh.. I got an award ^_^ This is my first award EVAAHH
1.Thank and link back to the person(s) that awarded you with this award
2.Share 7 things about you.
3.Award 15 recently discovered bloggers.
4.Contact these bloggers and tell them about this award.
This was awarded to me by Lenna. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Go Look at her blog its awesome :3
Okay now, 7 thingss....
One, I love kawaii and asiany things. Like Pokemon and Hello Kitty and stuff like that.
Two, I blog because it makes me happy and it makes me feel that I'm making somewhat of a difference on the internet.
Three, Ive got a few best friends that are pretty awesome so yeah. Shout out to Mika, Jessica, Melany, Damairis and Kayla
Four, I LOVE FOOD :) I could go on forever talking about food to someone. Surprisingly, I am still at a normal weight n_n I love to cook and bake but dont get to very often.
Five, Ive got a few dreams in life. I plan to go to USC, get an apartment with Jessica & Mika & Whoever Else... Get a little pastry bakery cafe thingy with green interior, clear tables, white moderny chairs and circley things all over for decoration. I also plan to get a grey dwarf bunny, name it NomNom, design my own line of clothes, write a best selling book, and be a pharmacist.
Six, I cant stand liars.
7, I appreciate every single one of you reading this :)
Now, for some new & not new blogs I award :3 This is all I could think of right now :P
xoxo, mochi.dinosaur